Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Food Only, Please

 oatmeal, apples, yogurt
rice pudding

I feel it necessary to come out of the closet about something...I am a holistic health coach, a long-time health food nut (not that junk food never crosses my lips,) a devoted kale (and all things green) fan...and I have a child who eats almost exclusively WHITE food!  I realize that children go through phases, and kids can be picky eaters - but honestly - why MY kid?  I ate great food while pregnant, breast fed her for two years (while eating kale, spinach, chard, beets and all manner of colorful foods) and she literally will eat it if it is white and almost certainly not if it has any color (well, maybe I should say beige food - white is pretty extreme.)  I am trying to be laid back and cool about this - realizing that drawing too much attention to it will only make it more entrenched - but the problem is - I am not really a very laid back sort of person.  And I get a little crazy when it comes to my kids and eating good food.  I believe passionately in the connection between good whole food (yes Michael - eat [real] food, not too much, mostly plants - well said) and good health.  I am considering taking dairy products out of her diet - in case a food sensitivity is causing an addiction-like response...but since that makes up about 60% of her diet - I keep putting off the day we start that test.  So for now, I hope that coming out about my beige-food loving child and airing my frustration will buy me a little more patience.  And perhaps courage to try at least a mini dairy-free trial.  Hopefully I'll have good news one way or another (dairy-free or time & patience) to share in later posts.


  1. Evelyn also went through, and in some ways in still in, a beige only food phase. The good news is that there are a lot of pretty healthy things that fit in there, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Evie, while still a very picky eater, is branching out, she's even become a fan of toasted nori, which is pretty much the extreme opposite of her white only foods, right?

  2. To your credit, you've managed to make white food both appetizing and healthy. Tofu, Barilla Plus Pasta (partially made w chickpea flour, mostly beige), kefir...I'm sure you've rocked all these in untold creative ways. Does she like quinoa muffins? I heard once on NPR about certain types of potatoes that some South American cultures have thrived on for hundreds of years. They're packed with enough nutrition to be thought of as gold by those who cultivated them. There's no shame, your girl's watching all the healthy food you eat, and modeling good behavior is what trumps all in the end, I think-hope.
